Black Consort Wriststrap Raven Gothic Leather Bracelet

Black Consort Wriststrap Raven Gothic Leather Bracelet
Black Consort Wriststrap Raven Gothic Leather Bracelet. The eyes and ears and dark companion of Odin, the majestic raven, wings outstretched, glides alongside its adopted squire offering infinite protection and guidance. This black leather wrist strap has a velcro-adjustment fastening, supporting a black pewter spreadeagled raven with highlighted trailing edge feathers. Width 10.35' x Height 1.42' x Depth 0.12' Made of genuine leather and lead-free fine English pewter, an authentic Alchemy Gothic black raven bracelet design.
- authentic Alchemy Gothic design
- made of fine English pewter, nickel and lead free
- velcro-adjustment fastening
- black raven bracelet
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